Cabal Guide: How to Change Item Appearance

1. Select the Item you want to change its appearance and choose the appearance material to be used. In this guide, I will be using the Titanium Martial Boots for my Palladium Armor Boots. 

2. Go to any Core Alchemist.  Talk with them. Click  “Core Alchemist Function”

3. Then “Upgrade”

4. Then choose “Change Appearance”

5.  A new Tab will open. On My Item tab, place Your item. Always take extra careful on this portion that you might interchange the items.

6. On Appearance Change Material, place the disguise material.

7. Set the Expiration Date from 1 day up to 7 days.

8. Check the Agree with Material Item Destroy then click the Change Appearance button.

9. A confirmation message whether you failed or successful will appear.

10. Now, the Palladium Armor Boots appear to be Titanium Martial Boots.

Item Change Appearance is applicable for Armor (Helm, Suit,Gloves, Boots ) and Weapons (Orb, Crystal, Greatsword,Daikatana,Katana,Blade) ONLY.

Happy Gaming!

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