Critical Rate Increase and Resist Critical Rate

In Cabal Online,  Critical Rate and Resist Critical Rate are both important attributes that your character must have.

            Critical Rate (Increase)
Is a character attribute that determines how often you make a critical attack. The higher the Critical Rate the higher the chance you make critical attack. The default Critical Rate each character has is only 5%.

            Resist Critical Rate
Is a character attribute that lowers the chance of the attacker to do critical attack. The higher the Resist Critical Rate the higher the chance you won't get hit by a critical attack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  How to increase Critical Rate and Resist Critical Rate?
A.  You can enhance or increase your Critical Rate by wearing items with Critical Rate Increase options.
In Armor,   only the Helmet can have that Attribute. In accessories, Ring of Luck +x, The Mergaheph's Ring, Killian's Ring and Tempus Ring (next update) gives critical rate BUT the maximum critical rate you can gain with rings is 32%. You can also add critical rate to your Weapons.You can also put Critical Rate on Pets and Bikes. Take note also that there are skills, battle style that increase your critical rate. Aura too!

Another important things, its useless to have 100% critical rate when you have 50% Max Critical Rate.

Q. How to increase Resist Critical Rate?
A. Resist Critical Rate (RCR) option is can be put in Bikes and Pets. Epaulets of Guardians (Drei Frame, Archridium, and Palladium) also gives RCR. Honor Rank titles also gives you RCR - the higher the rank, the higher the Resistance.

Q. Where is Resist Critical Rate will be deducted  -- from Critical Rate or Max Critical Rate?
A. The Resist Critical Rate will reduce the Critical Rate or the numerator.

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